About us

Paynalto in Nahuatl "The one that runs fast"

In the Mexica Empire, commonly known as Aztec Empire, the communication throughout the cities was assigned to the paynanis (painanis). It was an honor to be part of them and only the strongest young ones were selected and trained to be part of the also called “Aztec mail”. Paynanis had diplomatic immunity and were respected even by the rival tribes. The communication was done by running 10 kilometer relays; carrying messages from kings and generals in battle, news, laws, or even merchandise. It is said that Emperor Moctezuma ate fresh fish everyday brought from Veracruz (0 masl) to Tenochtitlán (México City 2,250 masl), a distance of 350 kilometers.

Paynalto, the god of the paynanis, divine messenger, captain of Huitzilopochtli (primary Aztec god, deity of the sun and war) wore a shield called Chimalli and a club called Macuahuitl. The ceremony dedicated to him was the Xócotl, in which 10 prisoners danced all night and were burned alive at dawn.

Our Brand

With Paynalto, we want to send a message to the world throughout sport designs inspired in our history and cultural richness. Each collection represents a piece of Mexican history, a celebration, a tradition, a legend. Every design has a reason and a purpose; to show the real México.

México is full of millenary traditions in every corner of the country; with a vast and rich history from the Mayans and Aztecs, to the modern urban art, along with the Spanish conquest, the European influence, and the Revolution period in between.

México is joy, is history, is war, is peace, is tradition, is celebrating death and life, is family, is friendship, is food, is tequila, is desert, is jungle, is sea, is volcano, is hard work, is art, is diversity, is cross-cultural…. México is EVERYTHING!